Freelancer News

What is the benefit of Freelance Jobs for companies?

– Having the best Freelancers in different places at the lowest prices. – Obtaining Freelancers services outside official working hours (if we compare with traditional work). – Reducing the cost of constructing new buildings, offices and accessories – because the Freelancers does not need that. – Reducing expenses related to attendance, leaving, and following up....

What is The Difference between Joomla and WordPress?

According To WordPress and Joomla : They are identified as content management systems for website creation and They are ranked among the most popular content management systems , But there are differences between the two that are mentioned briefly as follows . WordPress : The best option for beginners does not require experience to learn....

What is Difference Between Javascript and Jquery ?

Javascript  – is a high-level programming language that is mainly used in web browsers to create more interactive pages , JavaScript was intended for amateur and non-professional programmers . However, increased interest in it attracted attention of Professional programmers after adding new techniques to it , It is used in most websites, and all browsers....

It’s The Ideal Time to be a Freelancer

The conditions of life we live in today may be the perfect time to start your own business. If you feel that you can dispense with the employer you work for, or that you want additional income to your income, or that you are thinking of working with a flexible hour work system and if....