
I will write html css javascript jquery PHP bootstrap code for you
Starting from: $150.00Crafted Projects

Business Website(Web Design and maintenance )
Dubai Horse Racing(Web Design and maintenance )
Alyousuf Estore(Opencart , Payment Gatway CCavenue)
Alyousuf Robitcs
Big Blue marine
Web Developer
my role is a freelance web developer and website maintenance for a specific time only. using custom PHP, Mysql Bootstrap CSS.
Cordova /Phone Gap Developer
my role as a freelance full-stack web and mobile app developer
I have developed and design a web portal for online food develiry like,
using PHP, bootstrap, CSS, Jquery, javascript, MySQL, and hosted on AWS
Also, design and develop a mobile app for food order and delivery that is linked with web portal and POS that is placed on customer location and datalink is using cloud services
Android Native Developer
Work As an android (native) App developer for vehicle tracking and guide for the foreign visitor to track sea Port development.
project development completed in 2 months after that maintenance and adding some features in the application and in admin dashboard.
in this project I have used Java, google maps API, firebase , Php MySQL.
MCS(Computer Science )
I have done master in computer science from arid agriculture university Rawalpindi Pakistan,
In this time I have learn Basic to advance level web and mobile app development and core programming concepts development